

A few decades ago only mechanical techniques were employed for the industrial procedures such as cutting, marking and engraving.

A few decades ago only mechanical techniques were employed for the industrial procedures such as cutting, marking and engraving. But in todays date there is a lot for which laser systems can be thanked for. Laser technology is a recent development that has grown out during the phase of 20 years which have marked a whole new period for industrial systems. In place of mechanical procedures it is solely laser that has taken over for the effective cutting, marking and engraving of variety of materials that cannot be done so through simple techniques apart from laser.
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Wheatstone further invented the automatic transmitter, in which the signals of the message are first punched out on a strip of paper, which is then passed through the sending-key, and controls the signal currents. By substituting a mechanism for the hand in sending the message, he was able to telegraph about 100 words a minute, or five times the ordinary rate. In the Postal Telegraph service this apparatus is employed for sending Press telegrams, and it has recently been so much improved, that messages are now sent from London to Bristol at a speed of 600 words a minute, and even of 400 words a minute between London and Aberdeen. On the night of 8 April 1886, when Mr. Gladstone introduced his Bill for Home Rule in Ireland, no fewer than 1,500,000 words were dispatched from the central station at St. Martin's-le-Grand by 100 Wheatstone transmitters. The plan of sending messages by a running strip of paper which actuates the key was originally patented by Bain in 1846; but Wheatstone, aided by Mr. Augustus Stroh, an accomplished mechanician, and an able experimenter, was the first to bring the idea into successful operation.

