

CNC Laser Cutting Machine

CNC Laser Cutting Machine Application Status With the continuous rapid development of laser processing technology, the laser cutting machine plays an important role in more and more areas. The world's cumulative ownership of complete sets of high-power CNC laser cutting equipment has reached 35 000 units (sets), and the complete sets of high power CNC laser cutting equipment ownership in China is about 1,500 units. With the rapid development of equipment manufacturing industry, China's complete sets of CNC laser cutting equipment has entered a period of rapid growth, the annual growth rate. Laser Cutter equipment.
There are no hard rules for the kinds of families that turn out the highest achievers. Most psychologists agree that parents who set tough but realistic challenges, applaud10 successes and go easy on failures produce kids with the greatest self-confidence. What's harder for parents to control but has perhaps as great an effect is the level of privilege into which cnc laser cutting machine kids are born.
Different colored backgrounds are usually chosen so the photos will be most visible against the granite marker. In order to use the picture and inscription feature offered, customers send their pick of photos as well as words to be used on the marker. Proofs are sent to you to edit or change before finalized and etched into the marker.
Everybody loves a hero! Strong, superhuman, sometimes immortal, sometimes just plain old Joe, with a superhuman will to destroy evil. And, of course, the Villain, which we sometimes really love, but hate to admit we do and often sad when the Villain dies. But, when the characters start taking on different physical forms, disappearing and then appearing again, jumping tall buildings in a single bound or cutting through an object with x-ray vision, you know you have entered into the Science Fiction realm. That's when you go to the kitchen to get a sandwich and a drink and get ready to be entertained.
Lasers require an electron source, you can use a Neon sign transformer or a couple sign transformers paralleled up to generate the power. If you are aiming for a 100W expect about 10% efficiency so buy a 1Kw power supply. To keep an arc initiated you are going to have to use around 15kV for a 1.2M discharge tube. If you build a smaller laser you can drop it to a 12kV. Using DC power is preferred because if you use AC the laser output will pulse at 60Hz. Try taking a piece of paper and quickly move it through the beam, you will see dots as the AC waveform increases and decreases. If you want to run DC you will need to buy a high voltage rectifier and capacitor filter, which is going to run a lot of money.

2 条评论:

  1. If you are really want to sell the laser router machine then i suggest you to visit at the needham-laser in UK.
    nice content keep it up...
