

the new face of laser technology

If you believe in fashion and want everything around you unique and trendy then this laser technology will definitely help you. This technique has the capability to give artistic look to your products and make it valuable product. Further, if you are deeply involved in sculpturing or engraving or markings then this technique will make your task easier and interesting.
LASER also known as Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is a powerful ray of light which emitting electromagnetic radiation by the process of simulated emission. The emitted light is highly efficient to penetrate any surface or make marks on any hard surfaces. As many industries use this laser application for various purposes such as cutting, marking, stamping, embossing and engraving on metals or other surfaces.
The net effect, he said, would be the collapse of the internal chrome ore price, as had happened following the ban of raw chrome ore exports from neighbouring Zimbabwe. My opinion is that this is a very delicate matter that needs to be debated with all chrome stakeholders. We hold 65% of the worlds chrome reserves, but only have 50% of the Chinese market.
2. Pad printing service- Another application of the laser marking is the pad printing service.Pad printing is a type of indirect offset printing. Indirect offset printing has several categories of printing out of which pad printing is one which uses laser engraving technique.
 There are three types of plates that may be used with a pad printer: photopolymer plates, laser plates, thin and thick steel plates. Laser plates are designed to be etched directly from a digital file, sent from a computer to a laser engraver. Thin steel plates are chemically etched.
By directing a high output beam laser that is controlled through the computer, the material that is to be cut is subjected to this beam that leaves a good high quality finish on the surface. A huge variety of metals and other substances can be marked, cut and engraved with the help of laser. These include carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel and copper alloys etc.
 The shield that we normally see over the equipments protects a worker from damage and furthermore it does not mess up the surroundings. One can execute his task by placing the work piece over the marking set that is offered along with the marking device. Etching or stencil methods are frequently instigated by the individuals who carry out the job of marking the metal facades in order to make modish and accurate designs.

